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News, Trends and Insights

Another Insurance Company is Penalized for an Improper Denial

Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Company received a judgment in Boca Raton, FL for damages totaling $350,000. Jurors found that Universal improperly denied a claim for damages to a continuous tile flooring. Homeowner, Elliot Sterns, discovered that his continuous tile flooring was tenting. Tenting is term used to described what happens to tile flooring when…Continued

Florida Property Insurance Market Crisis

Another Florida insurance carrier is declared insolvent. On March 4th 2022, a petition was filed to approve an order making the Department of Financial Services (“DFS”) the appointed receiver for Avatar Property & Casualty Insurance Company (“Avatar”). Avatar stopped writing new policies in Florida sometime in February of 2022. Just a few weeks earlier, St.…Continued

Allegations of fraud against United Property and Casualty

A recent lawsuit filed in Florida alleges that the insurance company, United Property and Casualty, demanded that field adjuster’s reports be altered to ensure a denial or to reduce claims. The lawsuits states in part: 29. Instead of ensuring that field adjusters created honest, accurate reports to confirm that UPC’s insured received an assessment that…Continued

Florida Homeowners Show Greater Storm Concern

With four major storms during the past three years (one of those being a highly dangerous category five), a AAA survey shows that just over ninety percent of Floridians are considerably concerned about the 2019 hurricane season. Despite the uptick in concerned Florida homeowners versus last year, the increased fears may not be spurring homeowners…Continued

With Insurance Reform, Will Rates Soon Decrease?

After years of gridlock, Florida insurance reform has arrived, saving the insurance industry potentially millions of dollars. Considering all of the money being saved, policyholders can expect to see steep premium discounts, correct? Not necessarily. Last week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed several property insurance reforms aimed at reducing the amount of lawsuits filed by…Continued

Have You Checked Your Policy Coverage?

  Hurricane season is here and although forecasters appear to be suggesting a slightly below average season, history has shown that just one storm regardless of the category can result in millions of dollars in damage. Now is the time to start making preparations while Mother Nature remains calm. One easy way to start preparing…Continued

Insurers Are Restricting New Business and Renewals

Some Florida homeowners are finding themselves in quite the predicament: a lack of property insurance companies refusing to take on new business in South Florida ZIP codes with high claims rates. In some cases, these insurance companies are going as far as canceling or choosing not to renew policies in areas considered high risk. Increasing…Continued

Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane season began on June 1st and as most people know, Florida is notorious for being one of the states most at risk for hurricanes or tropical storms due to its location. Being prepared is essential and could literally save your life. Regardless of how many or how hurricanes are predicted, you should always be…Continued

Three Financial Tips for the New Year

Every day, credit counselors and bankruptcy lawyers meet with people that are struggling to make ends meet. Let’s take at some of their tips and advice to help you get a grip on your finances. Take control of your expenses. If you throw away your receipts, start keeping them and make a record of where…Continued